Antwerp Pride 2024, We’ll be there !

Welcome to the website of the “Belgian Defence Rainbow Community (BELDEFRAC), the association from and for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender (LGBTI+) members of the Belgian Defence.
Our goals are to enhance networking amongst the LGBTQIA+ personnel, facilitate in LGBTQIA+ related matters and to advise key leadership on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression*-related topics. (*SOGIE)
The Belgian Defence Rainbow Community is neither a lobby nor a pressure group. Its aim is to be a partner for the organization and its personnel.
Through a positive cooperation, Defence can contact the Belgian Defence Rainbow Community for expertise and advice. Defence can also rely upon us to have a critical look on the organization. This will allow the identification of subtle mechanisms such as seeming tolerance, modern homonegativity and heteronormativity that (can) impede the internal policies and the operational readiness of Defence. The Belgian Defence Rainbow Community wants to support Defence in its actions to fight those mechanisms.
Our association is not qualified to treat complaints about homo- or transphobic behavior at work. We want to be available to listen, but we will always refer the complainant to a person of trust or to the Internal Complaintsmanager of Defence.

Board of directors 2022 – 2024

Bart DEWULF President

Anne GRAVY – Treasurer


Jesse ARENTS – Communications